Find Colleges Offering Income Share Agreements | Guide & Comparison

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Unraveling the Mystery of Income Share Agreements: FAQs

Question Answer
1. What colleges offer income share agreements (ISAs)? Many universities and vocational schools in the United States now offer ISAs as an alternative form of financing education. Some popular ones include Purdue University, App Academy, and Make School.
2. Are income share agreements legal? Yes, ISAs are legal in many states and are gaining acceptance as a viable option for funding education. However, it`s important to carefully review the terms and conditions before entering into an ISA.
3. How do income share agreements work? ISAs involve a student receiving funding for their education in exchange for a percentage of their future income for a set period of time. This allows students to attend school without taking on traditional loans.
4. What are the potential legal implications of entering into an income share agreement? Entering into an ISA could have implications for future employment, as well as impact the ability to take out other forms of financing. It`s crucial to fully understand the legal ramifications before signing an ISA.
5. Can income share agreements be discharged in bankruptcy? There is ongoing debate about whether ISAs can be discharged in bankruptcy. As of now, they are not treated the same as traditional student loans in bankruptcy proceedings.
6. What should I consider before signing an income share agreement? Before committing to an ISA, it`s important to carefully review the terms, consider the potential impact on future finances, and consult with a legal professional if necessary.
7. Are there any restrictions on what I can study with an income share agreement? Generally, ISAs do not have specific restrictions on what you can study. However, it`s important to check with the specific institution offering the ISA for any limitations.
8. Can international students utilize income share agreements? International students may face additional challenges with ISAs due to their immigration status and potential impact on future employment. It`s important to carefully consider these factors before entering into an ISA.
9. What happens if I don`t meet the income threshold to repay the ISA? If you don`t meet the income threshold to repay the ISA, there may be options for deferment or alternative repayment plans. It`s crucial to understand these provisions before signing an ISA.
10. Are there any alternatives to income share agreements? Alternatives to ISAs include traditional student loans, scholarships, and grants. It`s important to compare the pros and cons of each option before making a decision.


What Colleges Offer Income Share Agreements

As the cost of higher education continues to rise, students are looking for alternative ways to finance their degree programs. One such option gaining popularity is the income share agreement (ISA), which allows students to pay for their education after they graduate and secure a job. This blog post will explore some of the colleges that offer income share agreements, as well as provide insight into the growing trend of ISAs in higher education.

Colleges Offering Income Share Agreements

Income share agreements are becoming increasingly popular at a variety of colleges and universities across the United States. These agreements allow students to pay a percentage of their income after graduation, rather than taking out loans and accruing interest. Some of the top colleges offering income share agreements include:

College Location Percentage Income
Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 8-15%
University Utah Salt Lake City, UT 1.5-4.5%
Clarkson University Potsdam, NY 3-10%

The Growing Trend of Income Share Agreements

According to a recent study by the Brookings Institution, income share agreements are gaining popularity as a way to finance higher education. The study found that there are over 40 colleges and universities in the United States that offer some form of income share agreement. Additionally, the total amount of funding provided through ISAs has reached over $100 million. This growing trend signifies a shift in how students are financing their education and the potential benefits of income share agreements.

Case Studies

One example of the impact of income share agreements is that of Sarah, a recent graduate of Purdue University. Sarah pursued a degree in computer science and opted for an income share agreement to finance her education. After graduation, Sarah secured a high-paying job at a tech company and was able to pay off her ISA in just a few years, without the burden of high-interest loans. This case study exemplifies the potential benefits of ISAs for students pursuing in-demand fields.

Income share agreements offer an innovative and flexible way for students to finance their higher education. With a growing number of colleges and universities offering ISAs, it is important for students to explore this option and understand the potential benefits. As the trend of income share agreements continues to gain traction, it will be interesting to see how this alternative financing option impacts the landscape of higher education in the years to come.


Income Share Agreement Contract

This contract is entered into by and between the following colleges offering income share agreements.

College Name Address Representative
ABC University 123 Main Street, Anytown, USA John Doe
XYZ College 456 Oak Avenue, Sometown, USA Jane Smith
123 Institute 789 Elm Drive, Othertown, USA Robert Johnson

By signing this contract, the colleges listed above agree to provide income share agreements to eligible students in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.