Legal Age to Get Married in California: Requirements and Laws Explained

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Frequently Asked Legal Questions About the Legal Age to Get Married in California

Question Answer
1. What Legal Age to Get Married in California? In California, the legal age to get married is 18. However, minors who are 16 or 17 years old can also get married with the consent of at least one parent or guardian.
2. Can minors younger than 16 get married in California? No, minors younger than 16 cannot legally get married in California, even with parental consent.
3. Are exceptions minimum age marriage California? Yes, minors who are 14 or 15 years old can get married in California if they obtain a court order granting permission for the marriage, and if at least one party to the marriage is not more than 2 years older than the minor.
4. What is the process for obtaining parental consent for a minor`s marriage in California? Minors who are 16 or 17 years old must have the consent of at least one parent or guardian to get married in California. The parent or guardian must appear in person with the minor and provide valid identification to give their consent.
5. Can minors who are married in California legally enter into contracts? Yes, minors who are married in California are generally considered emancipated and have the legal capacity to enter into contracts.
6. Are restrictions minors marry California? Yes, minors in California cannot marry someone who is more than 3 years older than them, unless they obtain a court order granting permission for the marriage.
7. What are the legal implications of marriage for minors in California? Marriage confers certain legal rights and responsibilities on minors in California, including the ability to make medical and financial decisions, as well as the obligation to support a spouse and any children.
8. Can minors in California file for divorce? Yes, minors who are married in California have the legal right to file for divorce if the marriage has irreparably broken down.
9. What are the consequences for adults who marry minors in California? Adults who marry minors in California can face criminal charges for statutory rape or child molestation, as well as civil liability for damages resulting from the marriage.
10. How can I obtain legal advice about marriage laws in California? If you have questions or concerns about marriage laws in California, it is important to consult with a qualified family law attorney who can provide personalized legal advice based on your specific circumstances.

Legal Age to Get Married in California

Marriage significant milestone one’s life. It signifies the commitment between two individuals and holds legal implications. In California, the legal age to get married is a topic of great importance and interest. As a legal professional, I find this topic fascinating and believe it is essential to understand the laws surrounding the age at which individuals can enter into marriage.

Current Legal Age to Get Married in California

As January 1, 2019, Legal Age to Get Married in California 18 years old. However, exceptions rule. Minors aged 16 to 17 can get married with the consent of at least one parent or legal guardian. Additionally, minors under 16 can also get married with a court order and the consent of a parent or legal guardian. Understanding these regulations is crucial for anyone considering marriage at a young age.

Statistics on Marriage Age in California

According to the California Department of Public Health, the average age at first marriage in California is 29.1 males 27.5 females. Indicates most individuals California wait late 20s marry. However, it’s essential recognize still significant numbers individuals marrying younger ages, necessitates clear understanding legal age requirements.

Case Studies

There cases minors sought court orders marry age 16. In these instances, the court considers various factors, including the minor`s maturity and ability to make an informed decision. Cases highlight complexity issue need careful consideration Legal Age to Get Married in California.

Implications of Marrying at a Young Age

Marrying at a young age can have significant legal and social implications. Research has shown that individuals who marry at a younger age are more likely to experience marital difficulties and divorce. Additionally, they may face challenges in completing their education and establishing a career. Understanding these implications is essential for anyone considering marriage at a young age.

Legal Age to Get Married in California topic requires careful consideration understanding. As a legal professional, I believe it is crucial to educate individuals about the laws and implications surrounding marriage at a young age. By doing so, we can help individuals make informed decisions and navigate the legal complexities of marriage in California.


  • California Family Code Section 301
  • California Department Public Health – Marriage Data
  • Case Law Marriage Age California

Legal Age to Get Married in California

Marriage laws vary by state, and it`s important to understand the legal age requirements for getting married in California. This contract outlines the legal age requirements for marriage in the state of California.


1. The Legal Age to Get Married in California 18 years old.

2. Individuals who are at least 16 years old but under 18 years old may obtain a marriage license with the consent of at least one parent or legal guardian.

3. Individuals who are under 16 years old may not marry in California, except with a court order granting permission.

4. Any marriage entered into by individuals who do not meet the legal age requirements is considered void.

5. This contract is governed by the laws of the state of California.